Boosted Sales for JCouple’s Card Games on Google

  • Industry Romantic Card Games
  • Country USA
  • Services SEO & CRO


JCouple, a small card game company, faced the challenge of selling more of their products through Google. Despite offering high-quality card games, they struggled to gain visibility online due to a low authority website. This low authority was affecting the performance of their articles in search results, hindering their ability to reach potential customers effectively.

Issues with the Site

Joyful Couple’s website had several issues contributing to its low authority. These issues included content duplication, misconfigured canonical settings, and a low crawl budget. These factors prevented search engines from properly indexing their product and category pages, limiting their visibility in search results.


To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive strategy to improve JCouple’s website authority and search engine visibility. Key elements of our solution included:

  1. HARO & Outreach-Based Link Building: We identified 497 link building opportunities through Help a Reporter Out (HARO) and outreach efforts. By securing high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, we were able to significantly increase NiceCouple’s domain authority by 26%.
  2. Fixing Internal Content Duplication: We identified and rectified instances of internal content duplication on the website. This ensured that search engines could properly index and rank each unique piece of content, improving NiceCouple’s overall search visibility.
  3. Indexing Product & Category Pages: We indexed 102 previously overlooked product and category pages that hadn’t been crawled due to misconfigured canonical settings and a low crawl budget. This expanded JCouple’s online presence and increased the likelihood of their products appearing in relevant search queries.
  4. Creation of Topical Clusters & Keyword Focus: We supervised the creation of topical clusters through strategic internal linking. Additionally, we developed a keyword focus and content structure for 128 blog posts, aligning them with search intent and optimizing them for relevant keywords.


The implementation of these strategies resulted in a steady uplift in traffic and conversions for JCouple over the past 16 months. By improving their website authority, addressing technical issues, and optimizing content for search, JCouple was able to increase their visibility on Google and drive more sales of their card games.